Suitable for paddlers of all ages and abilities.
For those who are staying at Ardrhu House, we usually paddle from the beach at Loch Linnhe towards Loch Leven, unless the tide and the weather conditions dictate otherwise. We will be on the lookout for otters, seals, and eagles as we make our way towards Eilean Munde, the ancient clans' burial grounds where the remains of the church can still be seen.
The trip will last around 4 hours but not all of this time will be spent paddling. Your qualified canoe leaders Katrina or Colin, have an intimate knowledge of the loch and its wildlife. They will take you to quiet beaches, giving you time to take in the scenery and relax with a cup of coffee.
Canoeing is a fantastic, healthy, experience which requires physical participation. Sometimes your help will be needed with moving canoes. Please let us know if you have any medical issues before the trip.
This beautiful guided canoe trip usually starts from our beach on Loch Linnhe/ Loch Leven or from Loch Sunart in one of our Hou Prospector canoes. These are stable canoes which can take up to 3 people.
Colin or Katrina will meet you at Ardrhu House, and you will be provided with all the essential equipment for this trip.
Most of the time, canoeing is a dry pastime, but occasionally it rains (or pours!). This is nothing to worry about, but please make sure that you have with you the warm clothing described on our kit list.
Canoes have been used on the sea for thousands of years. This guided canoe trip is suitable for people with previous canoeing experience who want to push the boundaries. Using one of our Hou Prospector canoes (or your own canoe if you prefer) we will paddle on the coastal waters around the West Coast Peninsula, some of the most beautiful coastline in the UK. The location of this trip will depend on tides and weather conditions but could involve a day canoeing around Ardnamurchan Point, the most westerly point on the UK mainland.
If you have previously sailed your own canoe, or been on one of our canoe sailing trips, then we will rig the canoes for sailing using high-quality rigs by Solway Dory, giving us the option of sailing, paddling or both, depending on the conditions.